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Climate Change & Business Conference

The 6th Australia-New Zealand Climate Change & Business Conference will be held at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre on 10-12 August 2010. The New South Wales Government is Foundation Sponsor of the event.Organisers are currently working with stakeholders to put together a program that realistically reflects the challenges being faced by business and provides insights to international developments, world’s best practice and the opportunities presented. Based on feedback to-date, the program will focus on:International policy developments, with a focus on the US and its direction, both domestically and internationally; Implementation issues for business, looking not just at ETS but the range of other policies; Adaptation, a priority response to climate change Financing the transition to a low carbon economy, continuing the theme of the previous events. A number of possible subject streams have also been identified, including Cleantech, building on the success of this stream in 2009, adaptation workshops, energy efficiency, water and transport.The 2010 conference will again feature an Exhibition that will be themed around the conference program. The Exhibition will allow delegates and exhibitors the opportunity to meet one-on-one to explore specific issues.The Conference provides a first class opportunity for sponsors to associate with the leading climate change and business conference in this region. Sponsorship positions are now available. Please contact the organisers for further details.To stay posted on developments, please provide your contact details and we will notify you of news regarding the program and speakers.